
HCG NMR Cancer Centre
Deshpande Nagar,Hubli

(A Unit of HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited),T. B Road, Near Revankar Motors, Deshpande Nagar, Hubli - 580 029

OVERVIEW HCG NMR Cancer Centre is a renowned cancer care facility in North Karnataka, offering comprehensive services for all aspects of cancer management. This cancer hospital’s primary objective is to deliver optimal treatment for every individual diagnosed with cancer, utilising advanced technology and the expertise of globally acclaimed cancer specialists.

Our range of services includes radiation oncology, medical oncology, surgical oncology, nuclear medicine, and integrative oncology, enabling us to provide diverse treatment options, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, precision medicine, and bone marrow transplantation. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team customises treatment plans according to each patient's specific needs, leading to enhanced treatment outcomes and improved recovery.

When it comes to treating and managing cancers, we adopt a multimodal treatment approach that combines surgery, radiation therapy, systemic therapies, and nuclear medicine to maximise treatment efficacy. Through advanced treatment procedures like organ preservation surgeries, organ reconstruction surgeries, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, outpatient chemotherapy, and more, HCG NMR strives to optimise clinical outcomes and help patients receive appropriate care right from the time of their diagnosis.

